Jialong Li


I'm currently a student research assistant at UCSD advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. I earned my M.S. in Electrical Engineering (Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Control) from UCSD advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. Prior to that, I received my B.Eng in Computer Engineering from HKU advised by Prof. Xiaojuan Qi.

My research interest lies in robot learning.

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ExBody2: Advanced Expressive Humanoid Whole-Body Control
Mazeyu Ji*, Xuanbin Peng*, Fangchen Liu, Jialong Li, Ge Yang, Xuxin Cheng, Xiaolong Wang
In submission to Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2025
project page / arXiv
Mobile-TeleVision: Predictive Motion Priors for Humanoid Whole-Body Control
Chenhao Lu*, Xuxin Cheng*, Jialong Li*, Shiqi Yang, Mazeyu Ji, Chengjing Yuan, Ge Yang, Sha Yi, Xiaolong Wang
In submission to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025
project page / arXiv / code